While the habit of thumb sucking begins as a natural coping mechanism for children, it can quickly become a negative way to comfort themselves. Thumb sucking can get in the way of the child developing other ways of coping that they will utilize in the future. If the child doesn’t stop sucking their thumb, it can lead to an inability to emotionally cope. In addition, thumb sucking may result in ridicule from peers and other bad habits forming in the future. Here are some reasons that you should help your child stop thumb sucking and how you can do that.
One of the most significant reasons that you should help your child stop the habit of thumb sucking is because it can cause malocclusion. Malocclusion is when an open bite or an overbite occurs. An open bite has both rows of teeth directed outwards and an overbite is when the upper teeth are misaligned. When the mouth is closed, the teeth will not touch. When the child doesn’t stop sucking their thumbs, it can cause malocclusion that may require orthodontic treatment to correct.
Skin Irritation
When a child sucks their thumbs frequently, their skin can become irritated. It could crack or bleed, becoming vulnerable to infection. The thumb can become calloused, the nail may be warped, could cause ingrowth or peeling. Moisture from the mouth causes all kinds of problems for the skin and nails that are both painful and uncomfortable.
Social Problems
Thumb sucking doesn’t just cause physical issues, the consequences may become social. Not only is it possible for their peers to make fun of them and ridicule them for thumb sucking, the habit may affect the child’s ability to communicate. It can also lead to the development of other addictive habits. Studies have shown that thumb sucking prolongs their ability to become socially and emotionally independent. Since thumb sucking is a response to stress, sadness, boredom, and discomfort, the habit results in an ability to express themselves or cope emotionally.
Speech Issues
Furthermore, children who suck their thumbs can develop issues with speech. Since the teeth, jaw, and palate are affected by thumb sucking, the habit causes lisps and other speech impediments. Not only will it be difficult for your child to fix the speech impediment, it can lead to other social problems that are caused by their inability to communicate. With the physical and social issues becoming intertwined, they can affect one another. The child will experience frustration, anger, and feelings of isolation.
Methods to Help your Child Stop
Luckily there are a wide variety of methods to help your child stop thumb sucking. These include special nail polish that’s bitter to the taste. If you put this polish on your child’s nails, they will hate the taste and stop sucking their thumbs. Another method is a thumb guard. These guards come in plastic and cloth products that wrap around the wrist and cover the thumb so the child can’t successfully suck it. It will become less enticing to them because it won’t provide the comfort they are looking for when they’re sucking their thumbs.
If you are using a method to prohibit your child from sucking their thumbs, it may be necessary to consult a doctor. Taking them to a professional will not only offer ways to get them to stop, the doctor will be able to determine whether or not they are at the emotional development they should be at. When your child continues sucking their thumbs for too long, it may be the result of an issue with their development.
It is apparent that thumb sucking leads to a lot of problems socially, emotionally, and physically. That’s why it is quite important to help your child stop the habit. While it may be difficult to get them to stop, you will be doing the right thing. It will help them develop emotional coping skills, mechanisms, and healthy habits. Is your child having trouble with thumb sucking? There are things you can do. Don’t give up, you will be helping your child very much in the long-run.