Toddlers are a handful, a wonderful, loving, and energetic handful. Keeping up with them can be tricky, as any mom will tell you. So it can be a fantastic help to come up with ideas that will keep you busy together.
There are so many great sources that provide fun DIY ideas for you and your toddler. For example, why not try out this exciting watermelon shark craft from Macaroni Kids South Hills on the next hot summer’s day?
Homemade Stamps
Keeping little ones busy isn’t just great for mom; it’s also necessary for children’s mental development. In structured play, like making stamps from bottle tops, they acquire a depth of understanding.
And it’s so easy. You just cut out some simple shapes onto thick felt, and then your toddler can arrange and place these onto the caps with some non-toxic glue, and hey presto! Dip it in some color, and stamp the impression onto a card or paper.
Paper Plate Art
It’s a tried and tested favorite, so it’s very likely to be effective for you too. Any paper plate will do, and just a few primary colors can be mixed into all the others. Not only a great way to use up left-over plates, but also a natural lesson in the color spectrum!
Pasta Necklaces
Again, it’s an oldie, but a goodie! Macaroni is in nearly every household, and with a bit of string, you can make necklaces or even long decorative strands to adorn your child’s room. If there’s a little non-toxic paint around, you are onto a real winner!
Last Word
If you gather a list of adjectives together, chances are your toddler embodies most of them, just by being themselves. Exciting, exhausting, random, funny, and all the rest, they really are the most precious of things.
Finding novel ways to keep them focused and busy is a must, so it’s a good thing there are so many choices out there!