Photo credit: Annie Theby
Some of us are old enough to remember our grandmothers pulling out small dark bottles and rubbing us down with some kind of oil when we were not feeling great, But the next morning we were outside playing like there was no tomorrow.
We never really had a name for it. It was just “Grandma will put something in it.” There was so much that we didn’t know until we got old enough for mom to explain some of the things that were just normal to us. This is when the door to essential oils slowly opened to us. Even then, it was just the tip of the iceberg.
As mom showed us how she prepared the peppermint that she grew in her herb garden, and mixed it with the oils from a eucalyptus plant. Instantly we knew the smell. She rubbed this on us when we were congested or had a stuffy nose. She also rubbed it on our father’s shoulders and back sometimes when he said he was “sore.”
She smiled and opened another little dark bottle and let us sniff it. She asked what it made us think or remember. It was her special perfume that our sister wore on her wedding day. Mom explained that it calmed the nerves.
So much more to learn
As our interest peaked, we began researching these things; we read the words essential oils for the first time. The more we understood, the more incredible it became. The use of herbs, and essential oils date back for centuries. The Egyptians used them and knew their power. Well before there was “medications” there were natural plants that cured. There was very little that a natural plant could not heal when administered by people who studied these wonders.
There are other uses for essential oils. They can be used as an insect repellent. You can use certain oils on your pets and animals to rid them of parasite and some illnesses.
How are they administered?
There are three ways essential oils are administered. The most popular is in a diffuser. Warm tap water is placed in the diffuser. Tap water is used because it is infused with minerals that help the essential oils distribution. The diffuser is heated (in various ways) and the essential oils are inhaled. This is the preferred way to use essential oils for sickness.
Essential oils are also rubbed directly on the skin at times. Essential oils are very powerful, so when they are going to be rubbed on the skin, they should be diluted. If you are treating a skin condition, for example, you may dilute the essential oil in almond oil, coconut oil, or pure olive oil.
The third-way essential oils are administered in by ingesting them. You can place a drop or two in your food or drink. If you have stomach issues, heartburn, sore throat, or other problems. Ingestion will be the fastest way to get relief.
List of Essential oils, uses, and warnings
Click here for a list of essential oils and their use. If you decide to use essential oil, there are many places to read about them. If you are new to the administration of these powerful oils, be careful with them.
If you are pregnant or if you are being treated by a medical doctor for an illness, consult with your doctor before you use any herb or essential oil. The mixture of your medications could be dangerous with what you are introducing.
Essential oils are not recommended to be used on children under the age of six.
When a baby is born, their immune system is not fully developed. Until they are close to six years old, they are still building their immune system. If you damage that system, your child could have health issues for the rest of their lives.
Remember the recipes and treatments were handed down for generations. You will not learn it overnight. Take your time and be smart, and these natural products will serve you well.
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