Running a marathon is a hard achievement for many runners, which is why they want to do it. You must know how far you can push yourself or how much distance you are capable of going. You might have some personal goals in mind, such as getting healthier, losing weight, or bringing attention to a particular cause. It’s possible that a friend persuaded you to do it.
Whatever the reason may be, you must remember your goal and bring it back to mind to prepare yourself for the big day. Keeping your motivation up will make you get out the door even when your body is exhausted and the weather is bad.
Training approach
Instead of focusing on a particular goal, such as the marathon, you should instead concentrate on gearing up your body to deal with the demands of training for that range. When you feel ready, the next step is to start training for the marathon.
Focus each week on moving forward with your progress by taking the next step that makes the most sense. This may entail adding running-specific strength training to reduce the risk of injury, increasing the distance of your longest run, or gradually increasing your weekly mileage total.
How much should you run before a marathon?
In general, one is considered a beginner if they have been running regularly for less than two years or if their weekly mileage is less than 20 to 25 miles on average. There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting out slowly or keeping your mileage low. However, if your objective is to compete in a marathon, you will first need to reach the appropriate training level.
If the race is going to take place in a few months, you may need more time to complete the necessary level of training and long-distance runs. It is never a good idea for first-time marathon runners to try to cram their training into the final 12 or 14 weeks before the race. They either end up hurting themselves because they try to build up to longer runs too fast, or they have a terrible time during the race.
So, how much running you usually do will play a role in determining how much you will need to do. An ideal way is to run about one-third of your typical volume, but it is crucial to take into account the type and amount of activity you engaged in in the previous weeks.
How many running shoes should you have?

A minimum of two different pairs of shoes is enough for the majority of runners. Having said that, this is a hard question to answer because there is no such thing as having too many.
If you run one to two times per week as a form of cross-training, then a single pair of running shoes might be sufficient for your needs. Make sure that the shoes you wear for your other activities differ from those you wear for walking.
And if you are confused or looking to buy a pair of shoes for your upcoming marathon, you can buy them from any trusted coupon site like Top Vouchers Code, where you will easily find deals on your favorite sportswear brands.
After the race
After race day, you should rest for at least a week before starting any kind of regular running schedule, and even after that, you should ease back into your previous running routine by gradually increasing the distance and the number of runs.
Get plenty of sleep. Consume well-balanced meals. Read something that you love. There are many blogging sites like the Daybreak Weekly where you can find trending articles on your favorite topics. Nourish your immune system because it will be more susceptible to illness in the days immediately following the race.