Many women forget their needs when caring for their children, handling their careers, and managing the house. This leads to stress and, ultimately, depression. Here are a few things that will help you deal with stress immediately and benefit your mental health.
1. It is Ok to Say No:
You are not the only one who is responsible. Managing the kid is the responsibility of its father, too. Many times, you may feel overwhelmed because you are doing everything and more than you should. It is high time you learn to say no to a few chores. You should clarify that you cannot do everything while caring for the child. If you work, do not take overwork at the workplace. This will help you be a good mom who is stress-free.
2. Avoid Harmful Substances:
When we are depressed or stressed, we often seek quick relief, such as alcohol or cigarettes, that can temporarily calm our nerves. But in the long run, it is harmful to your health. You should not be taking the help of these substances as you can get addicted to them. Moreover, you should address the crux of the matter rather than find temporary relief. Still, if you feel you cannot quit this immediately and need a slow oath, you can use Lyft which has no tobacco but Nicotine mixed with different herbs. This will help you curb the habit.
3. Take Breaks:
You are not a supermom; do not try to be one. Hire a nanny or take the help of your husband or relative to take care of the child for a few hours every day when you get things done that are important for you. When you spend hours doing mom duties, you also need small breaks. Go for a jog or read a book. This break will help you rejuvenate, and once your mind is fresh, you can return to being a great mom.
4. Do Not Quit Your Identity:
Being a mother does not mean you stop being yourself. You cannot give up everything else to take care of your child. Losing your identity will push you into depression. Instead, try to balance being a mom and yourself. Self-care is a must if you want to be mentally fit and happy. This is essential when caring for your child, as it makes you a better mother.
5. Find a Mom Support Group:

You are not alone, as several other moms go through the same pain and stress. Sharing is always helpful; hence, be a part of such a group. People who face the same issues will understand your problems better. Though they may not have an immediate solution, when someone understands your side and empathizes, you will feel lighter and gain more strength to deal with the situation.
The Bottom Line:
Being a mom is like a full-time job. Do not feel guilty about taking out time for yourself as it is not just helping you not lose yourself but also makes you a better mother. But you should also focus on self-care. When the mother is mentally fit and happy, she can be a better mother to her child.